Posts Written by: Michael Weisberg

Schedule a Telemedicine Appointment

Rely on telemedicine to still get excellent gastrointestinal healthcare during the coronavirus pandemic

If you are concerned about your gastrointestinal health during the COVID-19 outbreak, you can still see Dr. Weisberg through a telemedicine appointment. These virtual meetings take place on a computer or a phone. We highly recommend that you schedule a consultation if you need a routine gastrointestinal checkup,

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Dr. Michael Weisberg

Dr. Weisberg Named Physician of the Year

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation names Dr. Weisberg Physician of the Year

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, North Texas/Oklahoma chapter, has named Michael F. Weisberg MD as the Physician of the Year. Dr. Weisberg will be recognized at the foundation’s eighth annual dinner on November 8, 2019 at The Statler Dallas.

The Physician of the Year award honors professionals in the community for their work and fund-raising efforts to help with the foundation’s mission to cure inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and improve the quality of life of people living with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.

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Dr. Michael Weisberg

Importance of Colon Cancer Screening

Mr. Collins’ colon cancer story 

I walked into the exam room to see Mr. Collins. Now sixty-five, his shock of straight black hair was now completely gray but still perfectly in place. He was six feet three inches and still weighed one hundred and ninety pounds with no discernible gut. He rose up to greet me and as always said,

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Dr. Michael Weisberg

Podcast Interview

Podcast interview (9/19/19) with Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, North Texas & Oklahoma Chapter